Friday, November 25, 2011


Well today has been out Thanksgiving festivities. There were 3 guys in the halls dressed in very elaborate turkey costumes just walking around going "gobble, gobble, gobble....gobble, gobble, gobble". This place is seriously messed up sometimes, haha! We DID get some turkey so apparently whoever I was listening to was full o' shit.  I got some delicious turkey & ham with the mandatory mashed taters.  I'm pretty full at the moment, so much for being "good", but this is a special 2 day weekend so fuck it.  I'll just make up for it tomorrow in sweat.:)  Most everyone dressed up in nice clothes for dinner, but the nicest thing I have is a long sleeve black t-shirt. So I pretty much rocked that bitch till the wheels came off! The galley is normally just open between certain hours and you go eat when you're hungry. For Thanksgiving they had sign up sheets so you could goto dinner at 3, 5, or 7 and you were only supposed to go to your time. They had the doors all closed up and you had to wait in line.

Here is a pic of the line. It's all the way back to that Exit sign in the background, and around the corner behind me. Crazy!  So we just sat in our room for 15 minutes or so until the line died down...
 Everyone claiming their share of the yummy...
 A couple of the peeps at my table, that's Nate on the left, he's one of my roomies...

 This has nothing to do with Thanksgiving but you don't often see Mary Kay 2-in-1 Body Wash in the men's room, so it was picture worthy...


  1. she is kind of cute.. hmmm? You left out her name. Dinner was tasty yes?? We missed you here in AZ. BTW- You are looking thinner.. that's kick ass Rickie! :) xoxo

  2. That's Nate, Brogan, and Julie. Dinner was pretty good, the galley staff came out and got a standing ovation:) Thanks, I'm down about 18lbs since I got here. I'm getting used to the whole working out thing now.
