Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving bitches

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you're all stuffed to the gills and feeling sick because you ate so much. :)  Actually it's almost 11 o clock there so you're probably all passed out from triptifan overdose.   Instead of Thursday we're having the big turkey day festivities tomorrow.  Weather hasn't been the best so they have to keep cancelling the C-17. Soooo we aren't going to have any "freshies"(fresh fruits and vegetables) tomorrow. I also heard that the turkeys were on that plane too, hahaha. So we may not have turkey on turkey day.  Then again I just kind of heard that, it isn't official as far as I know so we could be each getting our own goose for all I know.  I do know that I just started my TWO FUCKING DAY WEEKEND a couple hours ago!  I'm pretty excited in case you couldn't tell. 

I found this chillin in the lounge the other night.  Anyone want a genuine used pee bottle from Antarctica? Haha
 This is a Skua. They're just starting to show up for the season.  They're kinda like seagulls, or rats from the sky maybe?  The trays in the galley are all blue and I haven't seen it yet but apparently if you take a tray outside they'll dive bomb your happy little ass until you drop your tray so they can get a tasty treat.  Someone said they'll mess with you if you're just wearing a bunch of blue too.
 Don't mess with me pigeon, I've committed bird murder before and I have no qualms getting another tear drop inked on if you mess with me. 

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