Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Everything is starting to thaw out so you'll get water puddles then it freezes over, so there are a million little landmines to avoid. It's alot more dangerous walking around now than it was but hopefully it'll all be melted and gone in the next month or so. Time seems like it's really cranking along now. Sleep, eat, work, eat, work more, eat, then sleep again, repeat over and over. 

It looks flat but this is from the top of the hill I have to walk to work. If you watched my walk to lunch video then you saw it covered in plenty of snow and ice.  It's really warming up so everything is melting.
 New stairs to the building nextdoor. Alot safer to climb than a snowy hill.
It looks like water but that's all ice and I left my ice skates at home. It's all just sitting there waiting to put me on my ass, but I was able to get around it without dying.
 My desk yo!

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