Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2 days off

I havent posted in a while so I thought I'd say hi.  I have a couple pics but they're in my room on my laptop so I'll have to post those later, they're nothing special anyway. This weekend we get Saturday and Sunday off. I'm sooooo excited to have 2 days off in a row, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself.  Well that's not entirely true, I signed up to take a trip out to the "Pegasus" runway on Sunday.  The ice runway is only about 10 minutes away but Pegasus is about an hour. It's located out on the permanent ice shelf. So once the ice melts then all the air operations are moved out to Pegasus.  It's named after a C-121 Lockheed Constellation that crashed there in October 1970, but everyone onboard survived.  They just shoved the plane off to the side of the runway so you can go and check it out still.  So I should have some good pics of that for you guys. 

We're expecting a storm to roll in here soon.  It's dropped from 22 to -8 in the last 3 or 4 hours. It's still snowing and a bunch of places other than McMurdo have been downgraded to Condition 2, so we're probably headed that way soon.  So much for it warming up I guess.

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