Monday, October 31, 2011

Weather update

I'm bored so I thought I'd post again before I goto bed. I checked on the weather again and it's -11 below now with a -40 winchill. We're at Condition 2 and everywhere else is Con 1 at the moment. So what do I do in -40 weather? Naturally I stepped outside in my slippers, t-shirt, and shorts just so I could say I did it. :)   Lemme tell ya, it's C.O.L.D outside.  It's a good thing I don't want to have kids cuz I'm not sure my boys are ever coming out again!  Nighty night all my hoes.


  1. You probably could have died. Don't do tht again, okay?

  2. Nah, I didn't spend a lot of time out there. I basically just walked outside and mumbled "son of a bitch" to myself and went back inside. :)
