Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First day of work

Today was my first day of work. Before work on the first day they had a little walking tour around. So Someone showed us where the big things were.  After that my bosses boss had a little tour of his own. He showed us around to where all the IT infrastructure was located.  We got to see where all the comm links are that connect us to field camps, other stations, and off continent.  There was some seriously cool shit, I was in nerd heaven!  There are a couple NASA satellite downlinks that capture data from some climate satellites overhead, process the data and send it off continent, badass!  There was way too much cool stuff to even remember now, much less tell you about.  That's not part of my job but maybe the boss will let me get my hands into some of that.  After all that I went to my actual work center to do some work.  So far just screened a few laptops to make sure they've got all their security updates so they can be put on the network.  After that I ate dinner and now I'm typing words directly into your brains!

 Show and tell....

This is where the resupply ship pulls in, in February. That flat place off to the right is like an ice peer or something.  All that snow and ice in the shaded area and way out to the left is frozen ocean, so it'll all be broken up in a few months...

 Lots and lots of frozed up ocean...
 There is the helo pad in the background...
If I remember right this is one of the microwave links that connects to a satellite uplink station about 20 miles away on a different island...I think that's what I remember, hahaha...
 Off in the distance are a couple more satdomes, the one on the right is what the New Zealand folks over at Scott Station use to connect to, hmmmm, well wherever it is they're connecting, that's all I remember. The one on the left was a NASA project. We went over to that one and that's actually where the webcam is located if you've ever viewed the webcam...
 This was also another NASA/NOAA related project. It's part of the JPSS(Joint Polar Satellite System), it's some kind of satellite downlink for something...ebay maybe? I can't remember now.
 Here is McMurdo from where that JPSS dish is...
 Look it's me!  I had taken off my glove to give my camera to someone and it took a sec so my fingers were freezing so I had my hand stuffed in the little hand warmer pocket, at least that's what I call it. Actually my finger hurt for a while after that. You see that? I'm putting life and limb on the line for YOU! Would you just look at that sexy tubby bastard already. I don't know how the ladies keep their grubby mits off me!

That's all for the pictures for now.

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