Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hut Point

Hey peeps. Today is muh day off so I've just been hanging out.  Today could be 2 post day but the second post wouldn't be until pretty late AZ time.  I'm supposed to be going out to the OB Tube later, but I'll explain that when I post it.  I just took a walk over to Hut Point to take a look.  There was a an Antarctic expedition from 1901 - 1904 and they built "Discovery Hut" in 1902. There are some pics of the hut and surrounding area below.  It's over 100 years old but it looks like it's in great shape.  I guess if it's frozen all the time it holds up better or something.  There is also a cross memorializing the death of one of the explorers there.  When I got up to the cross you could see a bunch of seals just hanging out on the ice.  They weren't very active so they must know it's Sunday or something.  I also took several videos from up there too.  So this should make up for 2 days without any pics.

These are the only 2 ATM's on the continent and 1 is broken right now, hahaha...

Anyway, on with the hike shall we?

Here is Dicovery Hut...
 Some kind of gear, or something, all wrapped up and frozen solid.  I wonder how many decades that's been sitting there like that...
 Juxtaposition of old and new with the Discovery Hut off to the right and a radome up on the mountain in the background. <--- Hahaha I totally said juxtaposition, that's a school word! ...
 Discovery Hut plaque...
 My mark on the world...
 The cross...
 Plaque for the cross...
 Lonely seal...must have just had lunch, notice the big blood stain...
 Lonely seal kickin it with the homies...
 This is an "apple", it's an emergency shelter that they have sprinkled around near hiking trails mostly. It's got a phone and sleeping bags in it, might have food in it too but not sure about that...




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