Monday, December 26, 2011


Every year there is an art show here called MAAG, McMurdo Alternative Art Gallery. I went for an hour or so and it was cool. Lots of weird art and just weirdness in general. Apparently there was a whole lot of insanity that went down there later that night. If you stick enough men and women on an island far from home, apply booze liberally, and stir the craziness is bound to shows itself.

Tiki Lounge silliness before the show...

 On the way in...
 A cool view I thought...
 What the...
 James Monroe Middle School Art Class, apparently...
 I don't get art at all...
 Thing made out of wood, don't ask me...
 Butterfly made of butterflies, get it? That must be ironic, or funny, or, or, I dont know...
 Beer Checkers! That's art I understand...
 Super Jenga...
 That's what I'm talkin about! Notice the Second Amendment? Nice...
 This must be really good art because I don't get it...
 This is a Skua thing. Sky rats who try and knock your tray out of your hand so they get something to eat, damn birds...
 Lite Brite with empty beer bottles...
 Grrrr ROARRRR....
 Grown ups on a teeter totter...
 This is actually someone else's picture, I just liked the background. Notice me back there taking a video of the weirdos on the wheel? You can see the person take this pic in the video I'm posting below...
 They had all the funny recycle bins in one place. I didn't take pics of the ones I already posted but here are the ones I had never seen before. Funny stuff.

 I went back to Hut Point yesterday and took this pic, it doesn't have anything to do with MAAG, but oh well...
This is the video where you can see the person in the background take the picture from above with me in it.

Total potential disaster in the making...

Melted snow making it's way back to the ocean. There are little streams all over town like this.

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